Fund for the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid

Architects are invited to create “Future School for Ukraine”: an international competition is announced.

26 February, 2024
Architects are invited to create "Future School for Ukraine": an international competition is announced.

On February 22, 2024, the Central Project Management Agency (CPVA), together with the Lithuanian Architects’ Union (LAS), announced an international open architectural competition in the Central Public Procurement Information System. The purpose of this competition is to select the best architectural design for the ” Future School for Ukraine” project. The authors of the best three project ideas will be awarded prizes ranging from 8,000 to 12,000 euros, and a contract worth 300,000 euros will be concluded with the authors of the winning idea for the creation of an adaptive technical project.

The winner of the competition will be chosen by an international judging panel consisting of architects Carl Backstrand (Sweden), Helena Sandman (Finland), Rolandas Palekas (Lithuania), Viktorija Blažienė (Lithuania), Viktor Zotov (Ukraine), and Anna Novosad, an education expert from Ukraine. Mustafa Nayyem, head of the Agency for Reconstruction and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, and Artūras Žarnovskis, head of the CPVA “Co-Create Future of Ukraine” program, are also on the panel.

“Together with Ukrainian and international architects, we are determined to create a high-quality, innovative project for the school of the future that meets the needs of Ukraine. We invite the world and Lithuanian community of architects to join this noble work,” says A. Žarnovskis, head of CPVA’s “Co-Create Future of Ukraine” program.

This project, initiated by the Government of Lithuania and implemented together with the Agency for Reconstruction and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, is intended to help restore the destroyed educational infrastructure of Ukraine. During the competition, the best proposal for the adaptive technical school project will be selected, and the prepared project will be used free of charge for the construction of new schools in Ukraine. In this way, the aim is not only to save money and time but also to create a modern Future School for Ukraine that best meets the needs of students and teachers.

The competition is organized after holding market consultations. The task for the competition was prepared by Lithuanian and Ukrainian architecture and education experts. CPVA is responsible for the implementation of the “Schools of the Future in Ukraine” project, which has been implementing various education and infrastructure reconstruction projects in Ukraine since 2014. Lithuanian Fund for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid allocated €500,000 for the project.

The conditions of the competition can be found here: .


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