Advice on the preparation and implementation of an effective public–private partnership (PPP) project

CPVA Public-Private Partnership Competence Centre

We are the place where you can get all the relevant information, consultations, and training on public-private partnerships (PPP).

What activities do we do?

Our team of experts prepares methodological and standard documents and provides consultations on the consolidation, preparation, and implementation of PPP projects. We also assess the application of PPP for already prepared projects, private partner selection documents, and PPP contract drafts.

Using our accumulated experience and knowledge, we conduct evaluations, prepare proposals for PPP regulation and effective application, and participate in state initiatives and reforms aimed at this goal.

What services do we provide?

We prepare legal acts and methodological documents for state or municipal institutions and their controlled legal entities that have planned to apply PPP in their strategic management documents and/or investment projects. Also, our services include evaluating the application of PPP, preparing standard PPP project documents for the selection of a private partner, for conducting the selection process, and for overseeing the implementation of the partnership contract.

We prepare studies, analyses, and proposals aimed at improving the PPP environment, reducing the costs and duration of PPP project preparation, and increasing the efficiency of PPP application.

We provide consultations to the public and private sectors on the practical application of legal acts, methodological, and standard documents prepared by the PPP Competence Centre. Additionally, we offer assistance to state and municipal institutions that evaluate and monitor the implementation of PPP projects and make decisions regarding their execution (such as the National Audit Office, Public Procurement Office, municipal controllers, courts, etc.).

We participate in the selection of a private subject as experts or, based on the authorisation of a state or municipal institution, conduct the selection procedures for private subject. This activity is carried out considering available human and financial resources and upon signing a cooperation agreement with a state or municipal institution. To date, we have provided expert services in 33 PPP projects.

We provide training. We constantly update training materials on the preparation and implementation of PPP projects, which are made publicly available. Additionally, we conduct individual training sessions based on the specific needs of state or municipal institutions. Since 2010, we have trained approximately 1,500 people.

We accumulate and disseminate experience: we have gathered numerous examples of PPP projects, strategies, and studies from other countries and share them. We collaborate with the European PPP Expertise Centre (EPEC), are members of the OECD’s Network of Senior Infrastructure and PPP Officials (SIP Network), and participate in the activities of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Committee on Innovation, Competitiveness, and Public-Private Partnerships, as well as the Bureau of the UNECE Working Party on Public-Private Partnerships.

We participate in international projects, providing consulting expertise to other countries: we have provided Twinning assistance to Croatia for strengthening its PPP system, Twinning assistance (together with the Office of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Ministry of Finance) to Croatia for developing a national strategic planning system, and TAIEX assistance to the Ministry of Economy of Belarus for strengthening PPP capabilities.

We collect, accumulate, and systematise information about PPP projects being prepared and implemented in Lithuania and other countries. We prepare updates and reviews on PPP developments.

For more information, please visit

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.