International Cooperation

CPMA, together with the GIZ, will co-chair the Practitioners‘ Network of European Development Cooperation: the first CEO meeting has taken place

15 March, 2021

On 9th March, Ms Lidija Kašubienė, CEO of the Central Project Management Agency (CPMA) held a virtual meeting with Ms Tanja Gönner, CEO of the German Development Cooperation Agency (GIZ) in which the joint presidency in the Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation starting in May was discussed.  

During the meeting Ms Tanja Gönner, CEO of GIZ, noted one of the many unique strengths of this Co-Presidency – it being led by two agencies with diverse and unique development cooperation experiences.  Furthermore, this will be the first time the Practitioners‘ Network is chaired by an agency of the new Member State that joined the EU after 2004. CPMA became a member of the network only three years ago. This partnership is expected to bring new synergies to the network and introduce novel ideas and newcomer insights combined with many years of experience, which will help to strengthen sustainable partnerships, enrich the teams of both agencies, members of the entire Practitioners’ Network, and, of course, partner countries.

Ms Lidija Kašubienė, CEO of CPMA, also placed emphasis on multiple challenges and opportunities for the future Co-Presidency caused by the current pandemic. Social distancing and restriction of mobility will allow the continuation of implementation of virtual initiatives which are expected to strengthen network members’ cooperation and maintain even greater involvement in the future. It was also emphasized the need to strengthen internal communication initiatives within the Practitioners’ Network and encourage more active involvement of all members in the activities of the Network.

Until May 2021, the Practitioners‘ Network is chaired by the development cooperation agencies of Belgium and Luxembourg. A meeting of the CEOs of these agencies with the CEOs of GIZ and CPMA is scheduled at the beginning of April. During the meeting CEOs will agree on a smooth handover of the presidency.

About the Practitioners‘ Network of European Development Cooperation

This informal platform – the Practitioners‘ Network – brings together representatives of the agencies to work together to strengthen and implement the development cooperation policies of the EU Member States, and provides an opportunity to share information and experience among themselves. Within the framework of this Network, the agencies work closely with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), which participates in the Practitioners‘ Network as an observer. The network currently has 17 members (SIDA, GIZ, ADA, FD, FIIAPP, Expertise France, British Council, etc.) and 2 associate members.

GIZ is one of the world leaders in development cooperation projects

The German Development Cooperation Agency currently implements over 1,600 development cooperation projects worldwide, and its initiatives cover 120 countries More than 22,000 people are employed by this organisation. Germany is the second-largest development donor in the world after the United States in terms of budget allocated to development cooperation projects. More information at


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