International Cooperation

EU4 Energy in Western Balkans and Türkiye project has reached its midpoint

14 June, 2023
EU4 Energy in Western Balkans and Türkiye project has reached its midpoint

On June 7, the 4th Local Steering Committee Meeting of the “EU4 Energy in Western Balkans and Türkiye” project took place in Istanbul, Türkiye. The meeting was attended by Central Project Management Agency (CPMA) director Lidija Kašubienė and deputy director Rasa Suraučienė, as well as Christian Ballaro, the Programme officer from the EU delegation in Türkiye on Energy and Climate issues, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, representatives of beneficiary municipalities and municipalities with observer status in the project.

During the meeting, the Project Team Leader in Türkiye, Daiva Matonienė, presented the progress of the project during the last 6 months and presented the plans for the next six. It was also noted in the meeting that the project is currently at the midpoint and there are 2 years left until the end of its implementation. Thus, the overall project implementation during the last 2 years was also reviewed.

It is planned that the next Local Steering Committee Meeting will be held in December of this year.

Find out more about our projects in Türkiye here


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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