
Historic Event for the Central Project Management and for Lithuania

19 June, 2019
Historic Event for the Central Project Management and for Lithuania

Special occasion in a history of international projects implementation of the Central Project Management Agency (hereafter – CPMA) as well as in a history of cooperation between Lithuania and Ukraine was marked by the opening event on June 18th in Kyiv, Ukraine. The implementation of European Union’s funded Programme “Support for the Public Finance Management in Ukraine (hereafter – “EU4PFM”) has started.

The “EU4PFM” goal is to enhance public finance management in Ukraine, ensuring the provision of quality public services as well create attractive business environment. The budget of the Programme is 50.5m Eur. Of which the 0.5m Eur are provided by Lithuania. The CPMA as an implementing organisation of this 4 years Project, with the focus on the Programme’s “EU4PFM” components related to the goals of development of a modern, effective and fair tax revenue system as well as strengthening the organizational capabilities of public finance institutions. The budget for the implementation of these components amounts to- 29.5 m Eur.

The event, organized by the CPMA and the EU delegation to Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Fiscal Service of Ukraine and State Treasury Service of Ukraine, received a special attention. Welcome speeches were delivered by the head of European Commission Support Group for Ukraine, Mr. Peter Wagner, Lithuania’s vice Minister of Finance Ms. Daiva Brasiūnaitė , H.E. Marius Janukonis, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Ukraine and Ms. Lidija Kašubienė, director of CPMA. Many representatives of the Ukraine’s institutions, various implementing agencies of EU member states and international organizations such as International Monetary Fund, World bank were present in person.

During the event Project Team Leader Egon Veermäe (Estonia) together with International Key Expert on Customs Vytenis Ališauskas (Lithuania) presented project‘s goals and directions. International and Ukraine‘s national experts will be working together with Ukraine‘s institutions in order to modernize custom transit procedures, tax administration system as well as human resource management system of the PFM institutions. Worth highlighting that the related Ukrainian Institutions since the onset are are very much involved in all the preparatory and currently ongoing processes. This was proved by the representatives of Ukraine’s Ministry of Finance, State Fiscal Service and State Treasury Service, when they presented theirs expectation at the event.

CPMA director Lidija Kašubienė said: „The Project is the road. Going together means Implementation. We will follow this road together. In four years period. It is a long way, indeed, and we know that it will be not an easy task – we will face a number of challenges, but we will have to overcome them together“. The symbolic gift from CPMA director for the Project opening is a bench placed in the Botanical Garden of Vilnius University, dedicated for the EU4PFM implementation, was welcomed warmly. The location of the bench marks the beginning of the road. After the end of the Project, second bench will be placed in Kyiv, as a symbol for the road that was went through together.

The expected successful implementation of EU4PFM will be the result of a long and consistent work of Lithuania and Ukraine, supported strongly and firmly by the European Union, in the area of International Development Cooperation.

For more information: Rūta Grigaliūnienė, e-mail: , phone: + 370 5 2512 715


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