
Renovation of the school in Borodyanka town

Quality EducationIndustry, innovation and infrastructurePartnerships to Achieve the Goals
7 944 785 Eur (of which 1 800 000 Eur contribution of Taiwan)
18 months
CPVA role
Project implementer

Objective of the project

To rebuild and equip one of the three schools in the Borodyanka town of Kyiv region. The school is designed for 700 children, grades 1-11.

Project activities and status

  1. The Technical work project. Procurement of the Technical work project preparation was finished and on 11/11/2022 was signed an Agreement with the LLC Architects bureau “Oksa”. The Technical work project was prepared and confirmed on 03/01/2023. The service of the supervision of the Technical work project will be provided during the entire period of execution of the Contract works.
  2. The Contract work of the school building renovation. The contract was signed on 31/01/2023 with LLC “Antares”. The document authorizing construction has been received. The Contract works are being implemented according to the prepared Technical work project of the school building.
  3. Installation of bomb shelter for school students. The contract was signed on 11/03/2023 with LLC “Art Bud Service“. The bomb shelter is installed.
  4. School environmental improvement and landscaping works. On 09/08/2023, an agreement was signed with LLC “Galaktika”. The works suspended due to the weather conditions, will be finished in spring 2024.
  5. Technical supervision of the works. After the implementation of public procurement procedures, the technical supervision of the works is implemented by Dmitriy Mykolayovych Luboichenko. The service implementation of the technical supervision is the entire period of execution of the contract works.
  6. Furniture and equipment. For the equipment of the school, necessary school furniture, smart boards, computers, and kitchen equipment were purchased and delivered.
  7. Study visit and sport camp. In July 2023 the study visit of teachers from Borodyanka was organized to strengthen their educational capacities. During their visit to Lithuania about 34 teachers visited schools and familiarised themselves with the organization of the learning process. Also, in July 2023 sport camp for 40 kids from Borodyanka was organized. Kids not only were training and competing with Lithuanian children on the football field but also had fun in Vilnius.

The school opening ceremony took place on 15th March 2024. Outdoor infrastructure should be finished in May 2024. The bomb shelter is already installed. 

Thoughts of Ukrainian children who moved to Lithuania because of the war:

Person responsible for the project

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.