CPVA role
Implementation of the programme with special focus to specific objective 3. Release of GRANTS under specific objective 2 and 3.
Objective of the project
To contribute to economic growth and social development through an inclusive, heterogeneous and effective participation of civil society in the governance process.
Specific objectives
- SO.1 To improve the legislative, regulatory and institutional framework for participatory governance.
- SO.2 To promote enhanced and effective participation of civil society, particularly for groups that are underrepresented in decision making such as women and youth, in participatory governance platforms at national level and in 25 municipalities. This objective addresses factors that contribute to the good functioning of the platforms and to an effective contribution of civil society to strategies, policies, plans, budgets and monitoring of public policies, spending and services.
- SO.3 To increase the level of information and the awareness of citizens, especially women and youth, on their rights, the work of public institutions, decentralization and participatory governance. This objective addresses the important gaps in information about decentralization, increasing awareness levels for an increased participation of civil society, with specific focus on women. The objective aims at supporting the design of a national communication strategy by institutions and civil society and implementing specific items of the strategy.