International Cooperation

Lithuanian and Latvian experts starts EU Twinning project in Macedonia

13 March, 2018
Lithuanian and Latvian experts starts EU Twinning project in Macedonia

Lithuanian Police Forensic Science Centre (LPFSC), Forensic Service Department of State Police of Latvia (FSDSPL) and Central Project Management Agency (CPMA) started the implementation of the EU Twinning project “Further development of the capacities for crime scene investigation“ in Macedonia.

During the opening ceremony on 23rd February, Macedonian Minister of Interior expressed the gratitude to the European Commission, colleagues from the Lithuanian and Latvian Police who, together with Macedonian police officers, will implement project activities during 21 months. According to the Macedonian project leader, one of the main purpose of this project is to reform and restructure regional Police in order to achieve higher efficiency in crime combats.

Representatives from Macedonian Central Finance and Contract Department were glad to see Lithuania as a leading partner and wished a successful project implementation.

During the opening ceremony, project implementation team, planned activities, planned results and CPMA experienced in Twinning project management were also presented. CPMA already successfully implemented 5 Twinning projects in Macedonia.

The European Union provides the budget of 1,1 mln. Euros for this project implementation. CPMA is responsible for financial – administrative management of the project.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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