
Facility supporting Serbia in achieving the objectives of Chapter 24: justice, freedom and security

Gender equalityReduced InequalitiesPeace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Project type
Indirect management programme
5 000 000 Eur (CPVA part – 3 440 454 Eur)
CPVA role

Objective of the project

To contribute to the achievement of the obligations stemming from Chapter 24 “Justice, freedom and security” in line with the EU acquis.

Specific objectives

To support the achievement of the interim benchmarks in particular the ones leading to improved capacities to fight serious and organised crime.
The Action has the following Components:

  1. Strengthening professional skills and capacities to fight serious and organised crime. This include building on proactive investigations including systematic tracking of money flow; analysis of the evidences gathered at pre-investigations and investigation phase and their relevance in courts in order to establish a clear and homogeneous jurisprudence and case law; capacity building on the track records, statistics and reporting; support to institutions to establish an initial track record of freezing and confiscation of criminal assets through the increased capacity to run complex financial investigations.
  2. Enhancing operational capacities to fight serious and organised crime. This include: support the Criminal Police and its subordinated units enhancing professional skills, improving operational tools and operational capability; support improvement of services at the level of National Criminal Intelligence System; support interoperability of IT systems; contribute to a more efficient cross-border information exchange through secure networks; provide support to National Center for Criminalistic Forensic of Criminal Police Department dealing with variety of forensic expertise.

Project partners

  • FIIAPP (Spain)
  • DCPC (Italy)

Person responsible for the project

Rūta Grigaliūnienė
Head of the International Development Cooperation Projects Department

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.