CPVA role
CPVA participates in the implementation of 2 out of 3 program components: preventive anti-corruption measures and fundamental rights protection.
Objective of the project
To contribute to the achievement of the obligations stemming from Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights, in line with the EU acquis.
Specific objectives
In the area of anticorruption, the objective is support in preparation and monitoring of the National Anti-corruption Strategy, support the Serbian Agency for Prevention of Corruption in the preparation and oversight of the implementation of strategic documents, as well as in assessing corruption risks and the development of an Operational Plan for the Prevention of Corruption in areas particularly prone to corruption.
In the area of Ombudsman, the objective is to provide support in the implementation of activities envisaged in the Action Plan for Chapter 23, such as advising on amendments of legislation, strengthening the capacities of the Ombudsman’s Office in view of the remit of the National Prevention Mechanism for Torture, as well as the strengthening of the local Ombudsman offices.